Profile | Dr.-Ing. Muhammad Iman Santoso, M.Sc. | |
NIP : | 19770130 200312 1 007 | |
Jabatan Akademik : | Lektor | |
Email : | [email protected] | |
NIDN : | 0030017704 |
Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang(S.T.)
University Duisburg-Essen Germany(M.Sc.)
University Duisburg-Essen Germany(Dr.-Ing.)
Organisasi Profesi
Institute Supply Chain and Logistic Indonesia(ISLI)
Riset Terkait
- Big Data
- IoT
- Mobile Apps
- IT Logistics
- Geographic Information System
- L. Uzliawati , A. Yuliana , Y. Januarsi , M.I. Santoso, Optimisation of Capital Structure and Firm Value. European Research Studies Journal, Volume XXI, Issue 2, 705-713, 2018 (indexed by Scopus: Q2).
- T Firmansyah, R Wiryadinata, MI Santoso, YR Denny, T Supriyanto. Bandwidth and Gain Enhancement of MIMO Antenna by Using Ring and Circular Parasitic with Air-Gap Microstrip Structure. Telkomnika 15 (3), 1155-1163. 2017. (indexed by Scopus: Q3)
- Fatah Sulaiman & Muhammad Iman Santoso, The Framework of Governance Mechanism Using Digital Control Tower for Managing Industrial Area Towards Eco-Industrial Park Based on the Gap Analysis. Ecology, Environment and Conservation 22 (4), 1753-1762 (indexed by Scopus: Q4).
- Romi Wiryadinata, Oyas Wahyunggoro, Wahyu Widada, Sunarno, M. Iman Santoso. Modification of Strapdown Inertial Navigation System Algorithm for Rocket Flight Test. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology Vol.72 No.2. 20th February 2015 (indexed by Scopus: Q4)
- MI Santoso, B Noche. Mobile-Apps Development for Biodiesel Distribution Tracking System and Supply Chain Monitoring.Operations and Supply Chain Management : An International Journal 8 (1), 48-56 (indexed by Scopus: Q4)
- Muhammad Iman Santoso, Bernd Noche, Asep Ridwan, Achmad Bahauddin, Ratna Ekawati and Muhammad Indrahanif. Formal Specification, Testing and Verification on the Truck Simulation. Operational Excellence in Logistics and Supply Chains. ISBN 978-3-7375-4056-8k
- Muhammad Iman Santoso, Bernd Noche. The Evolution of SmartWeb Supply Chain Using Intelligent Governance System. The 4th International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems 2014.
- Design of Corn Digital Supply Chain Governance to Strengthen Corn Farmers Institution and Accelerate Corn Self-Sufficiency (International Conference of Food Security Innovation, Anyer October 2018)
- Elektrische Antriebstechnik (Electrical-drive) (2012)
Mata Kuliah
- Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek
- Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak
- Metodologi Penelitian
- Metodologi Penelitian
- Basis Data
- Algoritma dan Pemrograman
Hibah dan Pengabdian Masyarakat
- New Mechanism of Secure and Fast Vertical Handover for Mobile IPv6 based on IPSec and IKEv2 between WiFi – 3G – 4G Technology in Indonesia (Riset Kerjasama Luar Negeri Dikti, 2018)
- Sistem Pengambilan Keputusan Pada Pangkalan Data Terpadu Penelitian & Pengabdian Masyarakat (E-PPM) di LPPM Untirta – (Penelitian Terapan Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi, 2018)
- Pengembangan Digital Supply Chain Governance Sebagai Penguatan Kelembagaan Petani Jagung Dan Percepatan Program Swasembada Jagung di Provinsi Banten(2018)
- Penyusunan Data dan Informasi Anak Secara Terpilah – SiDAFAN(2017)
Pengabdian Masyarakat
- Kegiatan Penyusunan Dokumen Data Infrastruktur Kota Serang & Pembuatan Peta Tematik untuk Jalan Poros dan Jalan Lingkungan 2018)
- Kajian Teknis Kebutuhan SDM Perlengkapan Jalan – Kementerian Perhubungan – Direktorat Perhubungan Darat – Subdit Perlengkapan Jalan(2018)
- Pembuatan SOP Emergency Procedure Pelabuhan Penyeberangan – Kementerian Perhubungan – Direktorat Perhubungan Darat – Subdit ASDP(2018)
- Penyusunan RPIJM (Rencana Pengembangan Infrastruktur Bidang Cipta Karya) Kota Serang 2019-2023(2018)
- Perawatan Maintenance Web Serang Kota Madani, Aplikasi Rabeg & Aplikasi Simaya 2018
- Kegiatan Penyusunan Dokumen Data Infrastruktur Kota Serang & Pembuatan Peta Tematik untuk Jalan Utama Kota Serang 2017
- Pemetaan dan Analisis IPM Aspek Pendidikan. 2017